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Development of a brief online intervention to address aggression in the context of emotion-related impulsivity: Evidence from a wait-list controlled trial.

An intervention to address emotion-related impulsivity changed a clinical outcome. A brief online intervention led to declines in impulsivity, aggression and self-harm. Most effects were larger than those during waitlist control.

A brief online intervention to address aggression in the context of emotion-related impulsivity for those treated for bipolar disorder: Feasibility, acceptability and pilot outcome data

Although aggression is related to manic symptoms among those with bipolar disorder, new work suggests that some continue to experience elevations of aggression after remission. This aggression post-remission appears related to a more general tendency …

The relationship between entrepreneurial intent, gender and personality

Participants who endorsed a desire to become an entrepreneur reported higher ambition. Women with entrepreneurial intentions endorsed higher levels of communal tendency than men with entrepreneurial intent. Those without entrepreneurial intent did not show gender differences in communal tendency.

Tendencies to respond to emotion states in an impulsive manner: What tools might work?

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The prevalence and co-occurrence of psychiatric conditions among entrepreneurs and their families

Psychiatric conditions and sub-threshold psychiatric temperaments may influence entrepreneurs’ affect, cognition, energy, motivation, circadian rhythms, activity levels, self-concept, creativity, and interpersonal behaviors in ways that influence …